For my final project, I chose to concentrate on organizations in the Chicano/a movement. I concentrated on 2major people and two organizations that have made a difference in the Chicano/a movement. Below are the names/organizations and links to the 4 organizations, with info on the work they have done in the Chicano/a movement.
2. 1967- Reies Lopez Tijerina = known as one of the Four Horsemen of the Chicano movement. Founded the Federal Alliance of Land Grants in New Mexico to reclaim Spanish and Mexican land grants held by Mexicans and Indians before the US/Mexican War. The Alizana’s purpose was to rescue the ownership of land through courts of New Mexico but it was determined in a court ruling that the US congress instead had the authority of land grants on international treaties. Unlike Cesar Chavez, Lopez Tijerina used militancy, unfortunately he spent time in prison for his actions.
3. 1968- Center for
Autonomous Social Action(CASA)= Over a brief ten-year period (1968–1978), Centro de
Acción Social Autónomo-Hermandad General de Trabajadores (CASA-HGT), the Center
for Autonomous Social Action-General Brotherhood of Workers, went from a
traditional mutualista or self-help center providing legal and other
services as part of organizing undocumented Mexican workers in California, to a
national organization rooting itself in broad working-class politics.
Founded in 1962, The Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations, Inc. (Concilio) is the oldest Latino organization in Philadelphia and has a well-established reputation as a leader for Latino family services. The councils mission was to help with police community relation employment and social services. The council was the first organization of its type in Philadelphia to unite the Puerto Rican community with the general Latino social group into a coalition representing all Spanish speaking groups in the city at large.
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